(Italiano) Credo dell’Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio – Oratorio interreligioso in occasione del Giubileo Straordinario – Teatro Olimpico
In scena dal 17 Dic 2015 al 17 Dic 2015
Pubblicato il 09 Nov 2015 24 Ott 2021
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Interreligious oratory at the Extraordinary Jubilee, written and chosen texts by José Tolentino Mendonça
music by Rossini, Britten , Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio, Sufi songs, baifal religious songs, musical elaboration by Mario Tronco, Leandro Piccioni, Pino Pecorelli.
The Interreligious Oratory project of the Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio was created in collaboration with the theologian Portuguese José Tolentino Mendonça and takes shape from the idea of giving a musical meaning to the expression “interfaith dialogue”. The dialogue refers to the positive and cooperative interaction among people belonging to different religious traditions and focuses on understanding among religions and tolerance resulting although remaining on their respective positions. The orchestra, formed, as it is, by elements from all over the world, is a clear and successful testimony of this dialogue.
Houcine Ataa voce • Viviana Cangiano voce • Kyung Mi Lee violoncello
Kaw Sissoko voce, kora • Pino Pecorelli basso elettrico ed electronics
Ore 21:00 – Prezzi
Poltrona/Prima Balconata
Seconda Balconata30,00 + 3,00*
22,00 + 3,00*
20,00 + 3,00*
* Diritto di Prevendita, prezzi praticati al Botteghino del teatro